Trusting your future pathway to romance on

When you are single it can be quite stressful to start dating and looking for a romantic partner. Trusting the Lord when you are a Christian can be very comforting. A lot can go wrong when you are dating so it is always comforting to know a little about your date before you agree to meet up. So, trust and put your faith in the Lord.

Verse:   Psalm 50:15

When we go through the troubles of life, and life feels uncertain, the Lord wants us to trust Him. He tells us to reach out to Him and to call on Him. He promises to intervene, in times of uncertainty and trouble so you do not need to feel stressed, as long as you are sensible and do not do anything foolish you will be protected and you have the advantage of knowing a few facts about your date on which will give you extra confidence when you are dating a single dater. He gives us reason to hope and to expect a reason to rejoice again, the Lord will deliver us.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You that I can call on You in the stresses of single dating. You are my faithful Father and my eternal God. You are my deliverer and the One who restores my hope and confidence as I date on Amen.

Trusting your future pathway to romance on
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