Putting your best foot forward when dating on 121Christiandating.com

As with anything you get out what you put in! That applies even more so to a relationship or single dating. It is also relevant to your relationship with the Lord and your Christian relationship, on 121Christiandating.com. If you spend time with a single dater and show care kindness and compassion, then that is what you are likely to get back in return. You are in fact building a relationship and this cannot be done in isolation and without communication.

Verse:   Romans 6:13
‘Present yourselves to God…’

We have a choice to make. We can build a relationship with our Lord and trust Him with your single life and your everyday needs and praying and creating a relationship with Him ensures that He will have your path laid out and that includes other relationships in your life, such as your dating on121Christiandating.com We can choose sin and death or life and peace. The choice is ours. The Lord doesn’t force anything on you and a relationship with Him is your choice, your decision. Give yourself (present yourself) completely to God. Don’t hold anything back, surrender your heart, soul, mind, and strength. You can trust Him and depend on Him.

PRAYER: Lord, I come before You today, recognising how much I need You in my life. I present myself to You, my life, and my future, and I place it all in Your loving hands. You are my Living God and I will serve You with all my heart. Amen.

Putting your best foot forward when dating on 121Christiandating.com
Christian Dating
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