Matters of the heart when dating on

Many Christians feel that their heart belongs to the Lord and even when they are dating other Christians online their first loyalty can belong to Jesus so, they need to meet other Christians who have a similar relationship with the Lord.

Verse: Psalm 119:11.
‘I have hidden Your Word in my heart that I might not sin against You.’

When God is alive within our hearts, and we have a deep relationship with the Lord, sin and wrong doing is not an option. If we are not spending time in the word of God and reading your Bible then our relationship can become stale. Just as with a human relationship you need to spend time together to get to know each other deeply. When fear and doubt dominate our hearts and threaten our relationships we can stumble and fall. We need to trust and rely on our partners and when that trust is abused the relationship suffers.

Stay connected to the Lord and His Word. Stay true to your Christian partner on and your dating relationship will be stronger and you will remain close. When we do this, it will bring us out on the other side in victory! PRAYER: Lord, today I remind myself of Your goodness, loving- kindness, and faithfulness to me. I hide and treasure what You have done and said to me, in my heart, and therefore I have confidence that I will follow Your ways and Your paths for my life. That you have a plan and purpose for my life and that includes my dating life on Amen.

Matters of the heart when dating on
Christian Dating
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