Many singles are feeling tired after a difficult few years but stay strong on

If you are feeling the strain of coping with hardships and fears brought about by the Covid pandemic, then you will need to trust in The Lord and strengthen your faith.

Verse:   2 Thessalonians 3:13

‘And as for you, believers, do not grow tired or lose heart in doing good.’

We are called to be active in our faith and to do good. With the prospect of churches opening again and believers being able to meet again for in church services rather than watching on zoom online, we will be in a greater position to gather again, however that means that people need to help with the running of things again. Let us be people who step forward to make a difference and be a blessing.

Let us look for opportunities to show kindness and not become inactive, of course this means that we need to be kind to each other as singles on Encouraging each other and being kind. That does not mean that you have to agree with everything you hear or see, however being kind and supportive to set each other to keep each other on the right path. Don’t allow your hands to become idle, but let God use your life. Do not grow weary and make sure that you are strengthened by the word of The Lord.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You that each day brings the opportunity to be used by You to do good and to be a blessing to those around me. Help me not to miss the opportunity but give me the courage to step up and make a difference. Amen.

Many singles are feeling tired after a difficult few years but stay strong on
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