Verse: Psalm 91:14 (NLT)
The LORD says, ‘I will rescue those who love Me. I will protect those who trust in My name.’
A great deal has happened over the last few years. We have fought our way through a worldwide pandemic, with many people loosing loved ones and friends. The Black Lives Matter campaign and taking the knee becoming a familiar phrase that means so much to racial equality, brought about by the killing of George Floyd.
Not least of all climate change as we look at the sky, hoping for some sunshine as we have the most rain in May for many years. This will affect farmers and food growth as we have a lack of sunshine. More seriously a highjacking of a Ryanair flight over Belarus. There is a great deal to be fearful about but knowing that your life is in the hands of the most high God should give you the confidence that no matter what the world is bringing about, there is a plan for your life. Psalm 91 v 14 is a promise to hold onto. My single life is under the Lord will and therefore single dates on is part of my life plan. This is not a time for fear and the distress, for Christians but rather a time to build your faith by trusting and rely on the promises of The Lord.
Anxiety levels are very high and listening to the news of the world people’s mental health is on the edge. Single daters are finding comfort in communicating with each other on There are great rewards for those who love and trust in the Lord. He will protect you from those things that would try to destroy your sense of peace and bring mental illness. If you follow The Lord He will rescue you from those things that have tried to control you. The Lord will be with you no matter what you are going through so you can trust Him with your single dating on
PRAYER: Lord, I declare that I love You and that I trust in Your mighty Name. Come and step into my life and protect and rescue me, I pray. Amen.