Feeling alone and lonely? Meet other Christians on 121ChristianDating.com

As a Christian, I feel that the people of my church are part of my family, however I feel lonely if I want to spend social time with another Christian. I have a dating profile on 121christiandating.com and that is a big part of my life as I want to meet other daters who have the similar belief as I have.

I believe that I can enjoy a personal relationship with the Lord. I have surrendered my life to Him, and I become part of His family, this means that as a Christian I am never alone. However, I still need to meet other Christians to enjoy social activities like going to a movie or having a dinner with a single  Christian dater.

I can meet other christians on 121Christiandating.com so i not only meet singles who have the same beliefs as I do but I can read their dating profile to establish their goals and interests for their leisure time activity. This means that I wake up in the morning with a sense of purpose in my life. While I still know that I belong to my God and that He is my God and that He loves me. So i have an eternal love and purpose and can still meet other Christian singles to enjoy my social time while on earth.

Prayer: Lord, thank You that I can belong to You, even while I am dating other Christian singles online. I realise that I am  part of Your family. I surrender my dating life to You, knowing that You love and care for me in all times. May I never forget that You are my God and I am Your child. Amen  I feel that the people of my church are part of my family, however I feel lonely if I want to spend social time with another christian for social dates. I have a dating profile on 121christiandating.com and that is a big part of my life as I  want to meet other single Christians for dates, who have the similar Christian beliefs as I have, 121Christiandating.com means that this is possible.

Feeling alone and lonely? Meet other Christians on 121ChristianDating.com
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