121Christiandating.com and realising that God is always by your side

As we go through this life we will have ups and downs but it always helps to know that when you are a Christian you will never face them alone. The challenges of life can be challenging!

Meeting other Christians on121Christiandating.com can mean that together your faith is a mutual strength, as you stand together in your Christian faith. 

As a single Christian dater my date's belief is very important to me, so meeting other Christian singles is a benefit to me as I have my dating profile on 121Christiandating.com 

I read my bible and Christian books daily so I am always seeking the Lord and keeping close to Him through His word. 

The word that I received today was very encouraging. 

Verse:   Genesis 21:22

`God is with you in everything you do'

 When God is on our side, even others can see it. The fact that God is with you changes the dynamic of what you’re dealing with. Today God is with you, helping you in everything you do.

As you walk in His steps, it will be obvious to others that He is with you.

I hope that the Christian dates that I meet will see Christ in me and appreciate my attempts to live my life as a Christian, with Christian values

Life can be a challenge but meeting forty plus daters who share you values and are like-minded means that you are on the same page with so many things, which makes any relationship easier.

Join 121Christiandating.com if you are a Christian and would like to meet other Christians for romance and a relationship. as a single I am prone to suffering from anxiety so having a close relationship with My God is important to me and therefore it should also be important to the single dater that I am starting a relationship with. 

Meet Christians online and share your faith while you date, on 121Christiandating.com.

PRAYER: Lord, I pray that others around me will see that You are with me and that You are helping me. May my life be a testimony to the factthat my Living God is with me in everything I do. Amen.



121Christiandating.com and realising that God is always by your side
Christian Dating
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