Faith in troubled times for singles on

The times that we are living in are troubled, with many people feeling uncertain about the future and their plans for the years ahead. COVID-19 has rocked the world and made us realise that we do not have everything under control. We have to rely and trust in our heavenly Father and trust that He has our future in His hands and that the pathway that He has laid below us was set out long before we tread it. Climate change, COVID-19, financial problems, lockdown and open up again are all under the control of our Lord and He is mighty and Lord of all, including your single life and dating on

Verse:   Psalm 93:4
‘Mightier than the violent raging of the seas, mightier than the breakers on the shore - the LORD above is Mightier than these!’

The Lord reigns and He is in control of all things, that are happening in the world right now. When we look around, things may seem out of control, however we need to focus our eyes on the Lord who created all things and holds them in His hands. When we focus our eyes on Him, we will know that everything is ok. Don’t focus on the noise and drama, the Lord is there, He is the Creator and therefore mightier than these! Trust Him with your single life and online dating on

PRAYER: Lord, I want to lift up my eyes above the troubles and issues, and I want to fix my eyes on You. You are Mightier than all of the things that surround me, so I will have confidence in you and the path that you have laid out for me. Amen.

Faith in troubled times for singles on
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