As we are in April, the month of fools, do not be fooled by scammers on

Verse:   1 John 2:17      (NLT)

'This world is fading away, along with everything that people crave. But anyone who does what pleases God will live forever.'

We live in a world that is characterised by constant change and many of us are fearful of scams, but joining will give you confidence that you are not being taken for a fool. You can meet Christian singles who are ready for romance and a relationship. Christians who walk with the Lord and have the same beliefs as you. Trust the Lord for your future.

Our earthly experiences can be temporary and fleeting and you can be fooled by the words that the world give you, but standing on the rock and having the foundation of Jesus is an everlasting joy and faith in the future.

The world will be an uncertain foundation as what is popular and essential today may well be irrelevant tomorrow. but when we do what pleases God, there is an eternal reward in store for us.

Meet other Christian believers over this Easter period of love and forgiveness and find your Christian date on

Prayer: Lord, help me to keep my eyes fixed on You. May I not be influenced and drawn away from You by things that are temporary and fading away. I choose to do what pleases You. Amen.

As we are in April, the month of fools, do not be fooled by scammers on
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