121Cosplaydating.com during a pandemic

Wear your favourite superhero costume and save the world from this pandemic in your own home. Stay home and stay safe but dress up as a superhero. We can still have fun and act out our own epic save the world legend show. Meet other cosplay legends on 121cosplaydating.com on Zoom and show off those super moves online. 121cosplaydating.com dating can take place on Zoom and have the background link as a rooftop or a temple of doom or haunted castle. Cosplay dating can be even more exciting online with all the tech apps that you can download. Being on a virtual rooftop with your loved one is a romantic date idea and being dressed as your superhero will add to the experience. Perfect for your romantic and adventurous date night!

Tell each other things that scare you or tell each other scary stories and then let your superhero date save you and treat you like a special loved date that is worth the adventure of being your saviour. This would bring a sexy and romantic aspect to your cos dating experience. Choose costumes that are sexy and show off you best points. Be brave and try doing the things that scare you and become your own superhero. Act out the character that you are dressed as so if you are Cinderella then be the sweet pliant dater that she inspires and make your Prince feel special, don’t forget the sexy footwear. Enjoy drinks at home and prepare a dinner that you can share while still being in your own homes.

Try to tie in the type of food with the cos dating experience. So, if your costumes are futuristic then try and make unusual cocktails that are an exciting part of the cos dating adventure. If you are dressed as a serving wench then tankards of ale are an appropriate choice. If you like the dominatrix experience, then try a tomb raider experience complete with whip and add a few spiders if you are brave. Cos dating is not for the faint hearted but it is great fun and allows you to experience your inner superhero ego. Make a big choice with wigs and face make-up as those are the features that are going to be most apparent on Zoom when you are cosplay dating on 121cosplaydating.com.

121Cosplaydating.com during a pandemic
Cosplay Dating
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