121Christiandating.com will encourage you to be more social

The hard times over the last few months may have changed your outlook on life. I seem that have become more content to stay at home and not go out to meet people, which is a problem when you are a dating single. I do not find staying at home boring but there are singles who are really keen to get out and be more social again. If you need some encouragement to get out there again, then joining 121Christiandating.com will be the encouragement that you need to be more social and meet other Christian single daters.

Verse: Galatians 6:9 (NLT)

‘So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. Meeting other like- minded singles on 121Christiandating.com will put you in touch with singles for happy social enjoyment. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.’ Being a positive interesting dater will be a encouragement to getting out and about to movies and restaurants for good nights out to lift your mood. Doing what is good and right brings a harvest of blessing into our lives. Being isolated can lead to depression and slowly erodes your self-confidence.

You may not meet a single that immediately lifts your mood and who has a connection. We may not see immediate results, but the outcome is promised and secure, trusting in the Lord’s goodness will give you the confidence to continue your single search for a Christian single who really enhanced your life and mood. .We must not get discouraged and we must not give up as your pathway in life will be guided by The Lord and He has a plan and a purpose for your life. - You will see your harvest – at just the right time. PRAYER: Lord, I choose to live my life in such a way that my actions and attitudes are pleasing and honourable in Your sight. Use me as an instrument in Your hands and thank You for the harvest of blessing that You have prepared for me. Amen.

121Christiandating.com will encourage you to be more social
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