Waiting for prayers to be answered on 121Christiandating.com

Many Christian singles are waiting to find romance and love and praying that the Lord will answer their prayers. Sometimes there is a long wait between the fervent prayer and having that prayer answered. That gap in time can be a testing time of believing that the Lord will and does answer prayer. Meet other Christians who are looking for love on 121Christiandating.com.

Verse:   Genesis 49:18

‘Our LORD, I am waiting for You to save us.’

Often, between our prayers and the answer, there is a waiting period. Christians will know that sometimes the wait can be extensive, such as Abraham and Sarah who had to wait many years for the birth of their son and had to believe and trust for many years. Noah had to wait for the flood to pass. Noah was subject to ridicule as he was building the arc, but he kept on trusting and believing. If you are a Christian single trusting to find love on 121Christiandating.com then make sure that you keep the faith and keep trusting. David had to wait until the threat on his life was removed. David also had to face a battle with Goliath with just a sling shot and a stone, so if you are facing what seems to be impossible odds, then don’t lose faith. Keep trusting and do you part by creating your profile on 121Christiandating.com. So let us keep on believing, keep on trusting and keep on living with hope.

PRAYER: Lord, I look to You and I know that You are the only One that can turn the tide and change the situation. As I wait for You to move, I choose to trust and to not be afraid. Amen.

Waiting for prayers to be answered on 121Christiandating.com
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