Trusting the Lord with your dating needs on

I trust the Lord with every aspect of my life and that includes my dating on I could not live my life without my belief in Christ so meeting a Christian dater is very important to me, so I also trust

Verse: 2 Peter 2:9 (NLT)

‘So you see, the Lord knows how to rescue godly people from their trials…’ The only way that I am godly is through the grace of Jesus Christ, so I follow Him in my life. None of us are perfect and that is why we need the grace of God as our beautiful gift for all Christians. The most important thing for us to remember is the fact that the Lord knows! The Lord always knows how we are feeling and what is happening in our life. I have that confidence in my Lord. Not only does He know what we face, but He also has the power to rescue us. Trials are a reality, but so too is His knowledge and power to deliver. So believe in your faithful Lord and in His unlimited power to save.

PRAYER: Lord, today I recognise that You are with me. This knowledge gives me the power to be able to trust You and to know that Your knowledge also means Your power is active in my situation. Amen.

Trusting the Lord with your dating needs on
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