Making ethical and kinder choices when dating on

As a forty-plus single I have become more interested in animal welfare and making the right choices for animals and the planet in general. As a single person who loves to travel but has been in lockdown and told to stay at home and stay safe and with travel basically being illegal and now risking heavy fines imposed by the government, I have had plenty of time to consider my lifestyle changes that would enable me to live a kinder and more considered lifestyle.

Documentaries like Cowspiracy and now Seaspiracy which show the devastation of over fishing and the destruction of the ocean floor by drag nets have made me think seriously about the way I travel, what I eat and even more importantly the shows and events and activities that I spend tourist money on. It has long been a goal of mine to campaign against Sea World and the cruel Oceanariums and the captivity of wild dolphins, whales and orcas. Of course, the film Blackfish highlighted the sad life that these poor abused animals live so that big corporations can make money out of ticket sales that lead to their captivity and misery and abuse.

A vegan lifestyle is more than just a way of eating, it is about ending the misery that we inflict on animals, about our clothing choices, and our choice of entertainment. That means if you are dating a vegan on then it will be less about what menu options there are and more about living a kinder way.

Making ethical and kinder choices when dating on
Vegan Dating
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