Having a sense of confidence when dating on 121Christiandating.com

As a Christian dater I have the confidence to know that I always have the Lord before me. I listen to the Holy Spirit so if I feel uncomfortable then I know that I have missed the quiet voice of the Holy Spirit and I need to consider my choices.

Verse:   Psalm 16:8

‘I have set the LORD always before me. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.’ What we focus on becomes our reality. Dating online can be a challenge at times but knowing that you have the confidence of being in step with the Lord. This means that you don’t focus on the problems, as when you are negative and focusing on your problems means that your problems will overpower you. When we focus on the Lord, rather than the negativity of the world, He becomes our hope and security. Trust the Lord when you are Christian dating on 121Christiandating.com As we focus on Him, He becomes our reality and then we will not be shaken, but the happening that are going on around us that are negative and are likely to drain your self-confidence.

PRAYER: Lord, I choose to fix my eyes on You and not to allow my concerns and fears to undermine my trust in You. I will look to You and I will stand secure and I will not be shaken or moved by changing circumstances. Amen.

Having a sense of confidence when dating on 121Christiandating.com
Christian Dating
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