Finding the right relationship on

Every dater would like to achieve a successful loving relationship. A relationship where there is support, empathy and kindness. This kind of relationship is available on However, to achieve that kind of relationship you need to ensure that you are playing your part and that the relationship has a balance of give and take. Quite often you may feel that it is more give than take. This means that you have a bank account in your relationship and that you are banking good times and that your side of the relationship is in credit. The best definition is that you are both in credit and both giving more than you are taking.

Unfortunately, there are relationships that are not balanced and can be a dysfunctional relationship. This type of relationship is commonly agreed to be a relationship that causes more emotional turmoil than satisfaction. Often people don’t know they have got involved in a dysfunctional relationship until they are well and truly in it and struggling to get out. To help you avoid finding yourself in one when you are looking for a relationship on here are the most common dysfunctional relationship types and their warning signs.

The term “co-dependent” generally means any person who focuses on another person in order to gain some kind of control over them. A dating partner who is controlling and attempts to dominate is not a desirable partner. If you feel that you are being absorbed into someone else’s lifestyle to the determent of you own lifestyle then you are being controlled. This complete absorption with the object of our affection only becomes dysfunctional when it starts causing painful emotional turmoil and stops you from being an independent and living your own life. If your partner objects to you having your own time and visits from family or their own lifestyle takes most of the time together, so that their wishes become more important than yours then you are being controlled.

A warning sign to watch out for when dating a person who is happy when you are, sad and they speak to you in a disrespectful manner that pulls you down and makes you feel less of a person, or they are continually making you feel that everything that goes wrong is your fault. You will have to take back control and make sure that you have boundaries and that you are worthy of respect and ensure that you have your own quality time.

There are usually lots of little warning signs that a dating relationship has the potential to become abusive. Abuse isn’t just about physical violence. Single people can be verbally and emotionally abusive too undermining their victim’s self-esteem gradually over time. You may not spot the signs on the first few dates, it’s often not until a conflict arises that the bully or abuser shows themselves and most often it is through a sharp comment, put down or what looks like a temper tantrum leaving you feeling guilty and confused as to what you did to prompt such a violent response. This is the key to most abuse, you feel responsible for provoking their bad behaviour. You start to question yourself. Am I not good enough, am I not attractive? When things have calmed down this will often be reinforced by the abuser, they may be the one who gets the apology even though in your heart you are sure you didn’t do anything wrong. If you are feeling that is the type of relationship that you are in then consider getting out of the abuse and find a single date on who treats you in a more respectful and loving way in a more emotional balanced partnership.

You do not need to accept violent displays of temper or an inability to see what they did wrong. allows you to control contact with single daters until you feel ready to progress at your own pace. gives you the opportunity to meet singles who are outside of your normal social and work circle to broaden your lifestyle choices and have dating fun. Meet genuine fun loving and like- minded singles on for exciting fun single dates.

Finding the right relationship on
Singles Dating
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