Dating in 121

When you are a Christian the rule that you live by is: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength” (Mark 12:30). Living like this means that you want to honour Jesus with your whole life and you live your life based on honesty and treating others with respect and kindness.

Many Christians feel that they can love others deeply because they love their Lord deeply. We believe and trust the Lord with our future and believe that He will guide our paths. If you would like to meet other Christians who feel as you do then will put you in touch with like-minded people  Listen to Jesus, and “love the Lord your God with all your heart and.” Seek him first (Matthew 6:33), and dating will be added according to his perfect plan and timing. The question is do we trust Him with this aspect of our lives, that. His will is the best way forward for us and that His timing will be perfect?

The key will be to lean on other Christians who have built a relationship with you and who know you and want the best for you as they will tell you when you are making a mistake or wandering away from God’s will for your life. Some of the questions and boundaries that you will need to have in place are you prepared to be intimate while not being married and what kind of qualities are you looking for in a date ? Are you prepared to live together without being married. All of these are against the will of God , however we can make all kinds of excuses to justify our actions if God’s word conflicts with our desires. If we are honest we are good at ignoring advice if it conflicts with what we feel at the time we desire our own way. We are often just surrendering to our own cravings and ignorance. Accountability may not offer what we want to hear.

The closer we become with a boyfriend or girlfriend, the more removed we are from other important relationships. As a Christian you need to grow closer to the Lord when you are dating on not further away. To be accountable is to be authentically, deeply, consistently known by someone who cares enough to keep us from making mistakes or indulging in sin.

Only people who love Christ more than they love you will have the courage to tell you that you’re wrong in dating , if they feel that the person you are dating is wrong they will tell you and if the timing is wrong they will also speak up. Only they will be willing to say something hard, even when you’re so happily infatuated. Most people will float along with you because they’re excited for you, but you need a lot more than excitement right now, as you will be very excited and may not be thinking correctly, so you will need a trusted friend to speak the truth, wisdom, correction, and perspective into your life based on God’s word.

TThe Bible warns us to weave all our desires, needs, and decisions deep into a fabric of family who love us and will help us follow Jesus.

Dating in 121
Christian Dating
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