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Verse:   Psalm 86:5    (NLT)

‘O Lord, You are so good, so ready to forgive, so full of unfailing love for all who ask for Your help.’ In a world where bad news surrounds us, and social media can be so cruel we need to remember how good our God is. In His Grace and kindness, He is always ready to extend forgiveness to us in His great love. His unfailing love towards us, knows no limits as He wipes our lives clean and supports us in all our fears and difficulties.

In His great love for you, He will help and deliver you! He has a clear pathway set out for you and if you trust Him to lead you down the path of the right relationship on PRAYER: Lord, I lift up my eyes above the troubles, and I look to You, my faithful and my loving Heavenly Father. You are my Helper, and You are the One Who surrounds me with Your unfailing love. Amen.

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