121seniordating.com and social media

2020 has been a year where social media has played a huge part of singles lives, as meeting in real life has been an on and off situation. With the obsession instant contact online and on smartphones it is very easy to get caught up in the fantasy of romance and the fear of missing out and not be fully in the reality. If the first thing that you do after meeting someone online on 121seniordating.com is change your status from single to in a relationship on Facebook you are over sharing and definitely jumping the gun.

Senior single daters should take things slow and steady and live the moment with each other rather than obsessing about online comments and friend’s opinions. The reality is more important than the social fear of missing out. It is not a race and most seniors are cautious and careful, but the excitement of romance can be tempting to share and over sharing can put pressure on a new relationship. You need to establish that you’re both feeling the same thing, before you start enthusing on social media about your new relationship. Over sharing creates pressure that may make you appear needy and leave you vulnerable. The decision to make your relationship public should be a joint one, when you are both sure how you feel.

Not everyone is comfortable with having their private business online. Every time you share something about the relationship you are sharing their business too, so you need their consent. Some senior daters on 121seniordating.com need outside approval and they can’t make any decisions about the relationship until they have discussed a new relationship with family and friends. After a relationship break-up some seniors may have to get approval from their grown-up children to start dating again and that can take sensitive handling. Not everyone is ready to see the family split up and branching out. Moral dilemmas and social commitments need sensitive handling so the extra pressure of online presence can be hurtful and cruel so take senior dating slowly and avoid making yourself venerable and hurting others.

Enjoy your new relationship quietly and let the romance and the emotions blossom and grow slowly, before making it public online. There should be no fear of missing out, as it is emotional and exciting and sooner or later it will be hard to hide the smiles and the excitement that you both feel. A relationship develops when we share our lives, thoughts, feelings and time with each other as a couple and the intimacy is allowed to grow naturally. The things that make a relationship deepen and grow are personal time and attention. When you’re on a date make sure that you’re really there If you were really enjoying yourself you would be so absorbed in your date that you wouldn’t be thinking about your online status. When it comes to your love life remember to put the reality of your relationship before the online posts.

121seniordating.com and social media
Senior Dating
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